Monday, December 1, 2008


Ok so for the first time in like 5 years I am looking foward to the hoildays. Why you ask, Well I am not sure maybe cause this year there will be no traveling. That's right I am not driving anywhere for Christams this year. I am staying home!!! For the last 6 years we have gone to 4 different houses. Well not this year. With William's work schdule being weird he needs to sleep as much as he can. So I have let everyone know that I am not going anywhere on Christmas Day. If they would like to come see me then call and I will let them know a time when William will be up. Which Joe, Will's dad, has already set up a time to come over. Also maybe cause William has taken time off to take me to Hoilday in the Park at Six Flags, which people who know William know he never takes time off. I haven't let put the lights or tree up and I am not to sure I really want to. I am just looking forward to enjoying time with William, even if he sleeps most of the day, at home!


It's funny how people who say they will always be your friends decide well maybe they shouldn't be. I have had this happen here lately. Did I do something wrong is the question I'm left asking myself. The answer would be No. I can't help you want to be more then friends and I don't. I have had a person who I thought was my friend decide to spend about 45 min. telling me all the things they believe is wrong with me. To this person I am a bad person and not worth the space I take up on earth. I have never had someone say some of the things that this person felt the need to say said to me before. Which I am not telling everything they said. I would never put people down in the way they put me down. I always thought friends where there to lift you up when you felt down not put you down. I have learned over the last year that marriage vows seem to mean nothing to people anymore. To me that's just sad. No matter there I find myself marriage means a lot to me. It is something that should be horoned and respected. I have started to lose my trust in people and then I had some great people in my life remind me that not all people feel the need to hurt others.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

First day of vacation.

So it is my first day of vacation and I had an okay day. I got to see my mom which is always a plus. Ate lunch with Will and any time with him makes Beth a happy girl. Not sure why. Lol! Then when Will went to work I went with my brother to see Wanted. I do have to say I liked it. So over all it was a good day for me intill about an hour ago when I looked outside. It is going to storm. Normally I would love it to storm, but I am home alone and I hate that. This week we have nothing planned and to everyone else but us that might sound boring. I love to be at home with Will. We watch movies and take naps. Me love some naps. At the doctor's office this week I heard that people who take naps live longer. This made me think OH GOD I AM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER!!! Then I remembered I have an ulcer and since I am not big on treating it the right way. I shouldnt live forever.

The stalker guy has seemed to go away. I only had to change my phone number 4 times and tell him that if he sent one more email. Will has going to step in. Funny how that worked. The so called friend is gone and I couldnt be happier about that. So I do have to say life is good. Now if I could just get Munchkin and Grafield to leave Robo alone. LOL. I hope everything is going good for everyone else.


Ok so last week was so busy that I came home so tired. I cant even get the energy to eat. Which is a good thing since I am changing my eating habbits. I have lost 14 pounds and some how just stopped trying to lose any more. So I am getting over myself and I am going to try and lose some more. I need to I have got so fat. I remember when I was a size 8 and told people I was fat. Man I had no idea what I was talking about. Will is a great support he helps me eat better things when he is home to cook. Which should be a lot more now that he is changing shifts. My mom who is 98 pounds is even a good support and then I have the two girls I work with that are changing their eating habbits as well to help me. So what is my problem?!?!? Having low blood sugar doesnt help keep the weight off I am told and now I have an ulcer. Man I am not in good heath for some one my age. Im only 30. I just need to get off my butt and do. So here I go. No more junk food. No more candy and ice cream. No more fast food. No more diet dr. peppers. Wish me luck!